John Sewell writes monthly columns for two Toronto publications: Post City Magazine and The (Downtown) Bulletin. Recent articles are posted here. Past columns can be found on the web sites of both publications: &

VIDEO: The Agenda with Steve Paikin Pt.2

The second part of a 2 part interview with The Agenda’s Steve Paikin.

In 1969, a slate of progressive, reform-minded councillors in Ontario’s capital city set out to change the way Toronto worked. Almost a decade before he became mayor, John Sewell was one...Read More »

VIDEO: The Agenda with Steve Paikin Pt.1

Part one of a two part interview with The Agenda’s Steve Paikin. 

Former Toronto mayor John Sewell served one tumultuous term from 1978-80. He talks to Steve Paikin about those days, documented in his new book, “How We Changed Toronto.” He also shares some...Read More »

Forget Olympics bid, get back to greater good

Too often we forget the virtue of collective action for collective good. That is the key lesson of the success of the Pam Am Games: at their best, governments can be very effective at accomplishing significant public benefits.

Leaders must be dedicated and willing to commit sizable sums of public money; they...Read More »

Suburbanites are the tails wagging the city dog

Lots of people argue with the idea that the older city, with its compactness, mixed use and relatively high density of people, creates different social values than does the low-density sprawling suburb.

They might argue, but the support for the idea seems all around us. It was evident in the vote...Read More »